Pollution Control Products or Controlled Pyrolysis Ovens are an affordable alternative to other brands of ovens.
It has a dual water-controlled temperature control one primary spray that controls the heating process and a secondary spray to prevent overheating.
Fully Automatic
These ovens sense the heating needs of the oven load adjusts the cycle as needed to achieve a safe and effective burn. It has multiple safety devices to prevent problems with the oven. The operators only need to press the start button and walk away.
Pollution control ovens have evolved over time and now the oven has insulation rated at 2300 degrees F and have a perforated metal liner that protects the oven from internal damage.
Cycle time
Cycle times will vary by load and can be as low as 3-5 hours plus cool down time. But the automatic operation removes the guesswork. The controllers sense when the load is done and shut down the oven.
Repair parts
We have a full range of repair parts and upgrade kits available.